About Me
क्षणशः कणशश्चैव विद्यां अर्थं च साधयेत्।
क्षणे नष्टे कुतो विद्या कणे नष्टे कुतो धनम्॥
हर क्षण का उपयोग सीखने के लिए और हर एक सिक्के का उपयोग संपत्ती निर्माण के लिए करना चाहिए।
क्षण गावाया तो विद्याप्राप्ति नहीं की जा सकती और सिक्कों को नष्ट करके संपत्तीका निर्माण नहीं होगा।

(Company Secretary & Cost and Management Accountant)
Modern High school & Jnana Prabodhinee Prashala, Pune
Abasaheb Garware college- B Sc
The Institute of Cost Accountants of India - FCMA
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India ACS
- Founder & Director: Sarth Wealth Pvt. Ltd, Pune (since Oct 2016)
- Worked as Independent Financial advisor from 2003 to 2016
- As an Author 1. धनवृद्धीसाठी म्युच्युअल फंड - sold more than 12,000 copies with 7 editions.
2. Prosperity through Mutual Funds- Selling Pan India
3. मंत्र गुंतवणुकीचा - Published by Rajhans Prakashan, Pune
4. विपुल संपत्तीचे 13 मार्ग
(Translation of the book published by Westland publications)
5. गुण घेईन आवडी– संवाद गान गुरूंशी - सकाळ प्रकाशन
* Regular contributor of articles on Economy and Personal Finance
Other Activities
- Presented 12 Episodes on PCET-INFINITY community radio on Personal Finance & On FM channel of Pune radio on Investments.
- Member of Investors' Grievance Redressal Committee of BSE at Pune
- Organizer and speaker in the Investor Awareness programs
- Conduct Workshops on Building Effectiveness and Creativity
- Tabla player and organizer of music programs, in India and abroad.
- Amateur Bird Photographer
- Trustee of Dabake Charitable Trust
- Organizer of programs on behalf of Kalapini, a cultural organization
Earlier Job/Activities
- Worked with Philips India (Loni) as Manager Accounts & Costing (8 years).
- Worked as Company Secretary of 2 listed companies.
- Worked as a software, Cost & Management Consultant and Cost Auditor.
- Spoke at workshops on Cost Management for Industries (CII & MCCIA)
- Founder member of Study Circle of Management Accountants of Pune and Arts Circle of Company Secretaries of India, Pune.